laksa recipe
Noodles Recipe

Authentic Laksa Recipe | Southeast Asian Delight!


Welcome to our guide on recreating the authentic flavors of laksa, a beloved Southeast Asian dish that will transport your taste buds to culinary paradise. In this article, we will share with you a secret laksa recipe that captures the essence of the dish’s rich and complex flavors. Whether you’re a laksa lover or simply curious about this Southeast Asian delight, get ready to embark on a culinary adventure like no other. Let’s dive in and discover the secrets to preparing a truly authentic laksa.

What is Laksa and How Does It Taste?

Laksa is a popular noodle soup that originated in Malaysia but is also enjoyed in Singapore and Indonesia. It is made with a variety of noodles, most commonly thick rice noodles and a flavorful broth. The broth, made with coconut milk, gives laksa its creamy and rich texture. The flavors of laksa are a harmonious combination of spiciness, sweetness from coconut milk, and tanginess from ingredients like tamarind or other souring agents.

Imagine a bowl of laksa, where every spoonful is filled with a symphony of flavors. The fragrant and slightly nutty aroma of the laksa broth is combined with the heat of spices, creating a delightful spiciness that tingles your taste buds. The creaminess from the coconut milk adds a smooth and velvety texture to the soup, balancing out the spiciness and adding richness to every mouthful. The toppings and garnishes, such as succulent prawns, tender chicken, crunchy bean sprouts, and fresh herbs like cilantro or Thai basil, provide bursts of freshness and textural contrast to the dish.

Whether you’re a fan of spicy food or a lover of complex flavors, laksa is sure to satisfy your cravings. Each region has its own take on this beloved dish, resulting in variations in the level of spiciness and the choice of ingredients. So, no matter where you are, laksa is a culinary masterpiece that will transport you to the vibrant streets of Southeast Asia.

laksa broth

A tantalizing bowl of laksa awaits—a harmony of diverse flavors, all coming together in perfect balance. The combination of spiciness, creaminess, and tanginess will leave you craving another spoonful.

Key Characteristics of Laksa Taste profile Ingredients
Spiciness Aromatic spices create a pleasant heat that varies in intensity. Chilies, dried shrimp, shrimp paste, turmeric, ginger, lemongrass
Creaminess A velvety texture and rich flavor from coconut milk. Coconut milk, coconut cream
Tanginess A refreshing sourness from ingredients like tamarind or lime. Tamarind, lime juice, sour fruits

These essential elements combine to create a unique and unforgettable dish that showcases Southeast Asian flavors at their best.

Different Types of Laksa

Laksa, with its rich and diverse culinary heritage, boasts several regional variations, each offering a unique combination of ingredients and flavors. Here are some of the most popular types of laksa:

1. Asam Laksa

Asam laksa, a signature dish from the state of Penang, is known for its tangy and sour flavors. The broth is made with tamarind, mackerel, and a blend of aromatic spices. Topped with shredded fish, cucumber, pineapple, red onions, and mint leaves, this type of laksa provides a refreshing and zesty taste that tantalizes the taste buds.

2. Curry Laksa

Curry laksa, also known as curry mee, is a rich and creamy noodle soup that combines Chinese and Indian flavors. The broth is made with a blend of aromatic spices, coconut milk, and curry paste, resulting in a delightful fusion of sweet, spicy, and savory flavors. Common toppings include tofu puffs, bean sprouts, cockles, and shredded chicken.

3. Sarawak Laksa

Sarawak laksa is a beloved dish in the Malaysian state of Sarawak. It features a fragrant and spicy broth made with sambal belacan, tamarind, lemongrass, and other spices. This laksa is typically served with rice vermicelli noodles, prawns, shredded chicken, bean sprouts, and a garnish of coriander. The combination of flavors in Sarawak laksa creates a truly unique and unforgettable experience.

Type of Laksa Origin Key Ingredients Toppings
Asam Laksa Penang Tamarind, mackerel, aromatic spices Shredded fish, cucumber, pineapple, red onions, mint leaves
Curry Laksa Malaysia, Singapore Aromatic spices, coconut milk, curry paste Tofu puffs, bean sprouts, cockles, shredded chicken
Sarawak Laksa Sarawak Sambal belacan, tamarind, lemongrass, spices Rice vermicelli noodles, prawns, shredded chicken, bean sprouts, coriander

Experience the diverse flavors of laksa by trying out these different types. Each variant offers a unique taste sensation that showcases the culinary diversity of Southeast Asia.

The Secrets of a Perfect Laksa Paste

The key to a flavorful laksa lies in the laksa paste. While you can find store-bought laksa paste, making your own homemade paste can take the dish to the next level. A traditional laksa paste is made with ingredients such as lemongrass, shallots, garlic, ginger, red chilies, and a variety of spices. These ingredients are blended or pounded together to create a fragrant and aromatic paste that forms the base of the laksa broth. By making your own laksa paste, you can control the freshness and intensity of the flavors, resulting in a more authentic and satisfying laksa experience.

If you want to try your hand at making your own laksa paste, here is a simple recipe to get you started:

Homemade Laksa Paste Recipe

Ingredients Quantity
Lemongrass 2 stalks
Shallots 4
Garlic cloves 4
Ginger 2-inch piece
Red chilies 4
Shrimp paste 1 tablespoon
Coriander seeds 1 teaspoon
Cumin seeds 1 teaspoon
Turmeric powder 1/2 teaspoon
Salt To taste


  1. Peel and roughly chop the lemongrass, shallots, garlic, ginger, and red chilies.
  2. In a blender or pestle and mortar, blend or pound the lemongrass, shallots, garlic, ginger, red chilies, shrimp paste, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, turmeric powder, and salt until a smooth paste forms.
  3. Your homemade laksa paste is now ready to be used in your laksa recipe.

Remember, making your own laksa paste allows you to customize the flavors according to your preferences. You can adjust the amount of chili for spiciness, add extra ginger for a stronger kick, or even experiment with other spices to create your unique blend. Don’t be afraid to get creative and make the laksa paste your own!

homemade laksa paste

The Key Ingredients and Toppings in Laksa

In addition to the laksa paste, there are several key ingredients and toppings that are commonly used in laksa. These include:

Laksa Ingredients:

  • Laksa Noodles: Thick rice noodles are the most popular choice for laksa. Their chewy texture complements the rich broth perfectly.
  • Protein: Laksa is often made with prawns, chicken, or tofu, providing a delicious source of protein.
  • Coconut Milk: This creamy ingredient gives laksa its distinctively rich and velvety base.
  • Herbs and Spices: Aromatic herbs like laksa leaves (Vietnamese mint) and spices like turmeric and coriander add depth of flavor.
  • Vegetables: Bean sprouts, sliced cucumber, and shredded cabbage are common additions that provide freshness and crunch.

These ingredients work together to create a symphony of flavors in every spoonful of laksa.

laksa ingredients

Tips for Making a Homemade Laksa Broth

The broth is the heart of a good laksa, and making it from scratch can elevate your laksa to a whole new level. To create a delicious homemade laksa broth, follow these tips:

1. Choose the right laksa spices

Start by gathering the essential laksa spices, such as turmeric, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, and dried shrimp. These aromatic spices are the backbone of the broth, providing depth of flavor and a hint of warmth. You can either use whole spices or ground spices, depending on your preference.

2. Toast and grind the spices

To enhance the flavors of the laksa spices, toast them lightly in a dry pan over low heat. This will release their natural oils and intensify their aroma. Once toasted, grind the spices into a fine powder using a spice grinder or mortar and pestle.

3. Prepare the laksa paste

The homemade laksa paste is a crucial component of the broth. Blend or pound together ingredients like lemongrass, ginger, garlic, shallots, and red chilies to create a fragrant and flavorful paste. The laksa paste adds a punch of spiciness and umami to the broth, making it irresistibly delicious.

4. Simmer the laksa broth

In a large pot, heat oil and sauté the laksa paste until fragrant. Add the laksa spices and cook for a few more minutes to release their flavors. Pour in coconut milk and chicken or vegetable stock, and bring the broth to a gentle simmer. Let it simmer for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.

5. Adjust the seasoning

Taste the laksa broth and adjust the seasoning according to your preference. You can add salt, sugar, or fish sauce to balance the flavors and make the broth more savory or sweet. If you prefer a spicier laksa, you can also add more chili paste or fresh chilies.

6. Strain the broth

Once the laksa broth is cooked to perfection, strain it to remove any solid ingredients or impurities. This will result in a smooth and velvety broth that is free from any lumps or gritty textures.

Laksa Spices Benefits
Turmeric Anti-inflammatory properties, adds vibrant color
Coriander Seeds Earthy flavor, adds complexity
Cumin Seeds Warm and nutty aroma
Dried Shrimp Umami-rich, enhances the broth’s depth of flavor

By following these tips, you can create a homemade laksa broth that is bursting with authentic flavors. Remember to serve the laksa broth hot, ladled over a bowl of cooked noodles and topped with your favorite proteins and garnishes. Enjoy the rich and aromatic laksa soup, reveling in its comforting warmth and tantalizing spices.

Pairing Laksa with Side Dishes and Beverages

Laksa is a delicious and satisfying dish on its own, but adding side dishes and beverages can elevate your laksa dining experience. Here are some recommendations for laksa side dishes and beverages that complement the flavors and textures of this Southeast Asian delicacy:

Side Dishes:

  • Spring Rolls: Crispy and savory, spring rolls are a popular appetizer that pairs well with laksa. The contrast of textures between the crispy spring roll wrapper and the rich laksa broth is delightful.
  • Satay Skewers: Grilled marinated meat skewers, such as chicken or beef satay, are a perfect accompaniment to laksa. The smoky flavors of the satay add depth to the meal.
  • Stir-Fried Vegetables: A plate of stir-fried vegetables, such as bok choy or bean sprouts, provides a refreshing and crunchy contrast to the creamy laksa broth.


  • Iced Lemongrass Tea: Refreshing and fragrant, iced lemongrass tea is a popular choice to quench your thirst while enjoying a bowl of laksa. The citrusy notes of lemongrass complement the spicy flavors of the dish.
  • Coconut Water: For a tropical twist, sip on chilled coconut water alongside your laksa. The natural sweetness of coconut water balances the spiciness of the soup.
  • Asian Beers: If you prefer an alcoholic beverage, consider pairing your laksa with a cold and crisp Asian beer. Beers like Tiger, Singha, or Bintang complement the flavors of laksa and provide a pleasant cooling effect.

Experiment with different combinations of side dishes and beverages to find your perfect laksa pairing. Whether you crave a balance of flavors or a refreshing contrast, these suggestions will enhance your laksa dining experience.

Side Dishes Beverages
Spring Rolls Iced Lemongrass Tea
Satay Skewers Coconut Water
Stir-Fried Vegetables Asian Beers


Authentic laksa is a Southeast Asian delight that offers a burst of flavours and aromas. With its creamy coconut broth, flavourful laksa paste, and a variety of toppings, laksa is a comforting and satisfying dish that showcases the culinary diversity of Malaysia and its neighbouring countries. By following the tips and recipe provided in this article, you can recreate the authentic flavours of laksa in your own kitchen and enjoy a taste of Southeast Asia.

Whether you prefer the spicy and tangy asam laksa or the creamy and fragrant curry laksa, one thing is certain – laksa is a culinary treasure that will transport your taste buds to the vibrant streets of Malaysia and beyond. So go ahead, indulge in a piping hot bowl of laksa and let its rich flavours envelop you in pure culinary bliss.


How does laksa taste?

Laksa has a perfect blend of spiciness, creaminess, and aromatic goodness. The flavors are a harmonious combination of spiciness, sweetness from coconut milk, and tanginess from ingredients like tamarind or other souring agents

What are the key ingredients and toppings in laksa?

Some key ingredients and toppings in laksa include noodles (usually thick rice noodles), coconut milk, laksa paste, prawns, chicken, bean sprouts, and fresh herbs

What are some side dishes and beverages that pair well with laksa?

Some side dishes and beverages that pair well with laksa include fried tofu, spring rolls, Malaysian roti, and refreshing beverages like iced tea or coconut water.

Can laksa be made vegetarian or vegan?

Yes, laksa can be made vegetarian or vegan by omitting the animal products such as prawns or chicken and using vegetable-based stocks and protein substitutes like tofu or tempeh.

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