pickled onion recipe

Pickled Onion Recipe | Tangy Homemade Delight!


There’s something undeniably heartwarming about the vibrant crunch of pickled onions. For many in the UK, these zesty morsels are more than just a condiment—they’re a cherished part of our culinary tradition. Whether nestled alongside a classic ploughman’s lunch or adding a tangy pop to a cheese board, pickled onions have a special place in our hearts and homes.

Crafting your own easy pickled onions at home offers a unique satisfaction. It’s not just about the delightful tangy pickling method; it’s the joy of knowing exactly what goes into your jar. With complete control over ingredients, from the type of onions used to the choice of vinegar, every batch can be tailored to your taste, ensuring a healthier and more flavourful result. This guide will walk you through a straightforward vinegar pickled onions recipe UK, promising a burst of flavour with every crunch. Pickling is a fantastic way to preserve vegetables and add a tangy flavor to your meals. If you enjoy pickled onions, you might also love our pickled cucumber recipe for a refreshing snack.

So why not bring a touch of homemade delight to your meals? With minimal effort, you can create a jar of tangy pickled onions that will become a beloved staple in your kitchen. Let’s embark on this delightful culinary journey together!

Introduction to Pickled Onions

Pickled onions have been a staple in culinary traditions for centuries, cherished for their ability to add a tangy crunch to a wide array of dishes. This versatility makes them a beloved garnish, enhancing everything from sandwiches to salads with their vibrant flavour.

This introduction will unravel the appeal of pickled onions, providing a glimpse into their culinary versatility.

Traditional pickled onions are not only a delight to the palate but also relatively easy to make at home. Understanding the basic pickled onion ingredients is essential to achieving that perfect balance of savoury, tangy, and slightly sweet flavours. One can experiment with different variations to suit personal tastes, but the soul of pickled onions lies in their simplicity and the quality of the ingredients used.

In addition to the standard pickling ingredients, preserving shallots can also be an intriguing alternative, offering a milder and slightly sweeter taste. Shallots, when pickled, bring a delicate flavour that complements a variety of dishes, making them just as versatile as traditional pickled onions.

The method of preserving shallots or onions through pickling not only extends their shelf life but also transforms them into a tangy delight that can elevate any culinary experience. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or a beginner in the kitchen, mastering the art of making traditional pickled onions can add an exciting dimension to your homemade meals.

Ingredient Flavour Profile Usefulness
Vinegar Tangy Essential
Sugar Sweetness Balance Optional
Shallots Mild and Sweet Alternative Ingredient

As you embark on the journey of creating your batch of traditional pickled onions, you will discover the endless possibilities these tangy gems bring to the table. From enhancing the flavours of simple snacks to complementing elaborate delicacies, they truly are a versatile addition to any kitchen.

Ingredients for the Best Pickled Onions

Creating homemade pickled onions requires the perfect assortment of ingredients to achieve that delightful, tangy flavour. With a simple yet effective mix of essential ingredients and optional add-ins, this guide will ensure your pickled onions stand out with ease.

homemade pickled onions

Essential Ingredients

  • Onions: Small pickling onions or shallots are ideal. They should be peeled and cleaned.
  • Vinegar: White or malt vinegar adds the signature tang to the onions.
  • Sugar: Balances the vinegar’s acidity, enhancing the overall flavour.
  • Salt: Essential for the brining process, ensuring the onions stay crisp.

Optional Add-ins

Elevate your easy pickled onion ingredients with these optional add-ins to customise the flavour to your liking.

  • Spices: Add a few peppercorns, mustard seeds, or coriander seeds for an aromatic twist.
  • Herbs: Bay leaves, dill, or thyme can impart a subtle herbal note.
  • Chillies: For those who like a bit of heat, a slice or two of fresh chillies can do wonders.
  • Garlic: Whole cloves of garlic add an additional layer of flavour.

By combining these essential and optional ingredients, you’ll be on your way to crafting the best homemade pickled onions with ease. Onions are incredibly versatile and can be used in various dishes. Consider trying them in our classic French onion soup for a warm and comforting meal.

Easy Pickled Onion Tutorial

Creating pickled onions is a delightful and straightforward process, perfect for those seeking to add a tangy touch to their dishes. This easy pickled onion tutorial is designed to ensure that even novices can craft their jars of this delicious condiment with minimal effort. Follow this guide to enjoy a homemade creation that is sure to enhance any meal.

To commence this easy pickled onion recipe, gather the following ingredients:

  • 500g small onions or shallots
  • 300ml vinegar (malt, white wine, or apple cider)
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon pickling spices

Once you have assembled your ingredients, follow this step-by-step easy pickled onion tutorial:

  1. Prepare your onions: Peel the onions and trim the ends.
  2. Make the brine: In a pot, combine vinegar, sugar, salt, and pickling spices. Bring the mixture to a simmer until the sugar and salt are fully dissolved.
  3. Pickle the onions: Pack the onions into sterilised jars and pour the hot brine over them. Ensure the onions are completely submerged.
  4. Seal and store: Close the jars with airtight lids and allow them to cool to room temperature before storing in the refrigerator.

Your beautifully infused, tangy creations will be ready to enjoy in just a few days. This easy pickled onion recipe doesn’t just simplify the process but also guarantees a burst of flavour with every bite.

Here’s a handy comparison of the different vinegar options for your easy pickled onion tutorial:

Vinegar Type Flavour Profile Best Uses
Malt Vinegar Rich and tangy Traditional British dishes
White Wine Vinegar Light and fruity Salads and lighter dishes
Apple Cider Vinegar Sweet and sharp Variety of dishes

With this easy pickled onion recipe in your arsenal, you’ll find that creating delicious, tangy onions is simpler than ever. Dive into this easy pickled onion tutorial today and elevate your culinary creations in no time.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Embark on a culinary journey by following these detailed steps for making tantalising and crunchy pickled onions. This guide will walk you through each phase, from prepping the onions to creating the brine and the final pickling process. Let’s get started!

Preparing the Onions

Start by selecting firm, small onions for the best crunchy pickled onions. Peel the onions and trim the ends. If you’re using shallots or larger onions, slice them into uniform pieces to ensure even pickling. Soak the prepared onions in a saltwater solution for at least an hour to enhance their crispness.

Making the Brine

Next, you’ll craft the brine, which forms the heart of the pickling process. Combine vinegar with water and sugar in a pot, adding your preferred pickling spices. Common spices include mustard seeds, coriander seeds, and peppercorns. Bring the mixture to a gentle boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar completely. Allow the brine to cool slightly before using.

Pickling Process

Now, place the prepared onions into sterilised jars, packing them tightly but ensuring there’s enough room for the brine to circulate. Pour the cooled brine over the onions, ensuring they are fully submerged. Seal the jars and store them in a cool, dark place for at least two weeks. This period allows the flavours to meld, resulting in perfect pickling onions recipe.

By adhering to these steps, you’ll achieve a jar of crunchy pickled onions that’s ready to elevate your meals with a burst of tangy flavour.

Traditional Pickling Recipe Methods

Delving into the rich history of traditional pickling recipes, one quickly discovers the timeless techniques that have been perfected over generations. These methods not only preserve the crisp texture and vibrant flavour of onions but also embody a deep sense of culinary heritage.

For many, the allure of crafting a traditional pickling recipe lies in its simplicity and authenticity. The process often begins with selecting the finest small onions or shallots, ensuring they are uniformly sized for even pickling. The beauty of these age-old techniques is that they offer consistency and reliability, producing a jar of pickled onions that stays faithful to heritage.

Below is a comparison of basic versus enhanced traditional pickling recipes:

Aspect Basic Traditional Pickling Recipe Enhanced Traditional Pickling Recipe
Ingredients Onions, vinegar, salt Onions, malt vinegar, salt, assorted spices, sugar
Preparation Time 30 minutes 45 minutes
Flavour Depth Simple and tangy Rich and complex
Shelf Life 6 months 12 months (due to added spices and sugar)

Embracing the traditional pickling recipe methods ensures that each batch of pickled onions is a nod to the past while providing a delightful burst of flavour that continues to enhance modern dishes. This connection to historical cooking techniques offers a satisfying culinary experience, making every bite a savoury journey through time.

Pickled Onion Storage Tips

Ensuring optimal pickled onion storage is vital for preserving their crispness and taste. Whether you’re using classic Kilner jars or repurposed glass containers, these pickled onion tips will guarantee that your tangy delicacies stay delicious for longer.

pickled onion storage

  1. Keep them cool: Store your pickled onions in a cool, dark place to prevent heat and light from degrading their quality.
  2. Airtight is key: Ensure that the jars are sealed tightly. An airtight seal will keep out air and bacteria, preserving freshness and flavour.
  3. Use the fridge: Refrigeration extends pickled onion storage time, especially after opening the jar. Keep an eye on the temperature settings to maintain optimal conditions.
  4. Check for spoilage: Regularly inspect your jars for any signs of spoilage such as cloudiness, off smells, or mould. These pickled onion tips can help you identify when it’s time to discard a batch.
Storage Method Expected Shelf Life Best Practice
Cool, Dark Pantry 6-8 Months Ideal for unopened jars
Refrigerator 1-2 Months Best for opened jars
Freezer Up to 12 Months Ensure airtight packaging

Creative Pickled Onion Variations

Elevate your pickled onion game by exploring delightful variations that deviate from the traditional approach. Both sweet and spicy pickled onions offer unique flavours that can complement a wide range of dishes. Quick pickled onions provide versatility and convenience for those short on time but big on flavour.

Sweet Pickled Onions

For those who prefer a milder, more subtle sweetness to balance the tartness of vinegar, sweet pickled onions are the way to go. Integrating sugar or honey into the brine can enhance the natural sweetness of the onions. These are particularly fantastic when paired with sharp cheeses or savoury meats, adding a delightful contrast to the palate.

Spicy Pickled Onions

Spicy pickled onions deliver a fiery kick that can invigorate any dish. Adding ingredients like chilli flakes, jalapenos, or mustard seeds to the brine can create a vibrant, piquant flavour that appeals to heat lovers. These onions pair excellently with tacos, burgers, or even on top of a hotdog, bringing zest and excitement to your meals.

Regardless of your choice between sweet or spicy, quick pickled onions offer a fantastic way to introduce complex flavours into your culinary repertoire with minimal effort. These variations are adaptable, allowing you to tailor the taste to your personal preference, ensuring every bite is bursting with excitement.

Serving Suggestions for Pickled Onions

Delve into the delightful world of pickled onion variations to elevate your dishes. These tangy, vibrant morsels bring a punch of flavour that can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

pickled onion variations

One popular way to serve them is on a traditional British cheese platter. The sharpness of the onions beautifully balances the creaminess of the cheeses, adding a refreshing crunch. Whether it’s a crumbly Stilton or a mature Cheddar, pickled onions offer a zesty counterpart.

  • Cheese Platter: A perfect match for a variety of British cheeses.
  • Fish and Chips: Add a tangy twist atop your crispy fish and chips.
  • Sandwiches: Boost the flavour of sandwiches such as classic ham or ploughman’s lunch.
  • Salads: Add to salads for an extra zing.

Another classic pairing is with fish and chips. Simply place a few pickled onions atop your crispy battered fish for a burst of piquant flavour that complements the dish perfectly. It’s a quintessential way to enjoy the *pickled onion recipe UK* style.

Meats and sandwiches also benefit greatly from the addition of pickled onion variations. Try adding them to a succulent roast beef sandwich to create a delightful contrast between the rich meat and the sharp onions. Similarly, these onions can be a game-changer in salads, providing an unexpected punch that keeps your taste buds delighted.

For a more gourmet approach, consider incorporating pickled onions into your gourmet burgers or hot dogs. The tanginess cuts through the richness of the meat, making each bite more balanced and delicious.

  1. Gourmet Burgers: Elevate your burgers with a layer of zingy pickled onions.
  2. Roasted Meats: Serve alongside roasted meats for an extra flavour boost.
  3. Tapas: Add to a tapas spread to offer a variety of tastes and textures.

Pickled Onion Recipe

Creating your own batch of homemade pickled onions is a rewarding culinary endeavour. This pickled onion recipe is simple yet effective, ensuring you achieve the perfect balance of tang and crunch every time. Here’s how you can make your tangy delight at home:

  1. Ingredients:
    • 500g small onions or shallots
    • 500ml vinegar (white or malt)
    • 2 tsp salt
    • 1 tbsp sugar (optional for a touch of sweetness)
    • 1 tsp pickling spices
  2. Preparation:
    • Peel the onions, keeping them whole.
    • In a bowl, dissolve the salt in 1 litre of water.
    • Add the peeled onions and let them soak overnight.
  3. Making the Brine:
    • In a saucepan, heat the vinegar, sugar (if using), and pickling spices until boiling.
    • Remove from heat and let the brine cool.
  4. Pickling Process:
    • Drain the onions and pack them into sterilised jars.
    • Pour the cooled brine over the onions, ensuring they are fully covered.
    • Seal the jars and store them in a cool, dark place.
    • Allow the onions to pickle for at least 2 weeks before use for optimal flavour.

With this straightforward pickled onion recipe, you will have delicious homemade pickled onions ready to elevate any meal. Happy pickling!

Nutrition Details

Understanding the nutritional content of pickled onions helps in appreciating their role in a balanced diet. Pickled onions offer a low-calorie, nutrient-dense component to various dishes, making them both delicious and beneficial to your health.

Caloric Information

One of the appealing qualities of pickled onions is their low caloric value. A typical serving of pickled onions contains only about 30-50 calories, making them an ideal choice for those monitoring their caloric intake without sacrificing flavour. This low caloric information makes pickled onions perfect for various dietary plans.

Vitamins and Minerals

Pickled onions are a source of essential vitamins and minerals. They are rich in vitamin C which is crucial for a healthy immune system. Additionally, they contain significant amounts of potassium, necessary for proper heart function, and calcium, which is important for bone health. Including pickled onions in your diet can help you meet your daily nutritional requirements while adding a tangy twist to your meals.

nutrition details

Nutrient Amount per Serving Daily Value (%)
Calories 30-50 kcal 2%
Vitamin C 3.5 mg 5%
Potassium 120 mg 3%
Calcium 20 mg 2%

Benefits of Homemade Pickled Onions

Embracing the benefits of homemade pickled onions goes beyond just their delightful taste. These tangy offerings are a treasure trove of health benefits worth exploring.

One of the key benefits of homemade pickled onions is their ability to enhance gut health. As natural probiotics, they support the growth of beneficial bacteria, aiding digestion and fostering a healthy gut microbiome. By incorporating these zesty delights into your diet, you can enjoy improved digestive wellness.

Homemade pickled onions also boast a wealth of essential nutrients. They are rich in vitamins such as B6 and C, alongside minerals like manganese and potassium, all of which contribute significantly to overall health. Their nutrient profile makes them a fantastic addition to a balanced diet.

A further advantage of these pickled delicacies is their versatility. Whether adorning a classic British cheese platter or adding a burst of flavour to a sandwich, the benefits of homemade pickled onions extend to their culinary adaptability. They can seamlessly enhance various dishes, making them a beloved staple in many households.

Let’s summarise the key benefits of homemade pickled onions in a detailed comparison:

Health Benefit Explanation
Probiotic Support Promotes a healthy gut by fostering beneficial bacteria.
Rich in Nutrients Provides vitamins and minerals essential for overall wellbeing.
Culinary Versatility Adds a tangy flavour to a variety of dishes, enhancing taste.

In summary, the numerous benefits of homemade pickled onions make them an excellent addition to any diet, from their health-boosting properties to their role in creating vibrant, flavoursome meals.


The delightful journey of creating homemade pickled onions has guided us through the rich traditions and modern-day conveniences of this beloved condiment. From mastering the art of pickling spices to ensuring proper pickled onion storage, each step has underscored the simplicity and satisfaction of this time-honoured practice.

The versatility of traditional pickled onions serves as a testament to their enduring appeal. Whether adorning a classic ploughman’s lunch, enhancing a cheese board, or adding a zesty note to your favourite dishes, these tangy morsels seamlessly integrate into any meal. By choosing to craft your own, you open the door to countless culinary possibilities and personalised flavours.

Incorporating pickled onions into contemporary dining not only enriches your gastronomic experiences but also brings a sense of accomplishment and authenticity to your table. The ease of preparation, paired with the ability to control ingredients, ensures a healthier and more flavourful result. Embrace the joy of homemade condiments and relish the burst of tangy goodness in each bite.


What ingredients are essential for making pickled onions?

Essential ingredients for making pickled onions include small onions or shallots, white vinegar or malt vinegar, sugar, salt, and water. Optional ingredients could be spices like mustard seeds, peppercorns, and bay leaves for added flavour.

How long can homemade pickled onions be stored?

Homemade pickled onions can typically be stored in a cool, dark place for up to 3 to 4 months. Once opened, they should be refrigerated and consumed within a month for the best flavour and crunch.

What is the best method for achieving crunchy pickled onions?

To achieve crunchy pickled onions, it’s important to soak the onions in saltwater for a few hours before pickling. Also, using a hot brine can help maintain their crispness.

Can I use different types of vinegar for pickling onions?

Yes, you can use different types of vinegar such as white vinegar, malt vinegar, apple cider vinegar, or wine vinegar. Each type will impart a unique flavour to the pickled onions.

What are some popular variations of pickled onions?

Popular variations include sweet pickled onions, which are made with added sugar, and spicy pickled onions, which include ingredients like chilli peppers or red pepper flakes for a spicy kick.

What dishes pair well with pickled onions?

Pickled onions pair well with a variety of dishes such as a traditional British ploughman’s lunch, cheese boards, sandwiches, fish and chips, and roasted meats.

What are the health benefits of consuming pickled onions?

Pickled onions can benefit digestive health due to their probiotic content, and they offer essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and potassium. They are also low in calories.

How can I make sweet pickled onions?

To make sweet pickled onions, add more sugar to the brine mixture. Using red onions can also impart a natural sweetness to the pickles.

What are the steps to pickling onions?

The basic steps to pickling onions are: Prepare the onions by peeling and trimming them, make the brine by boiling vinegar, sugar, salt, and spices, pack the onions into sterilised jars, pour the hot brine over the onions, seal the jars, and allow them to pickle for at least a week before consuming.

Which spices work best for pickling onions?

Common spices used for pickling onions include mustard seeds, peppercorns, bay leaves, cloves, allspice, and coriander seeds. You can customise the blend according to your flavour preferences.

homemade pickled onions

Pickled Onion Recipe

This easy pickled onion tutorial is designed to ensure that even novices can craft their jars of this delicious condiment with minimal effort. Follow this guide to enjoy a homemade creation that is sure to enhance any meal.
Prep Time 35 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Course Side Dish
Cuisine Mediterranean
Servings 3 people


  • Onions small pickling onions or shallots
  • Vinegar white or malt vinegar
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • spices peppercorns, mustard seeds, coriander seeds, herbs (bay leaves, dill, thyme), chillies, and garlic


  • Select firm, small onions. Peel and trim the ends.
  • If using shallots or larger onions, slice them into uniform pieces.
  • Soak in a saltwater solution for at least an hour to enhance crispness.
  • Combine vinegar with water and sugar in a pot, adding preferred pickling spices.
  • Common spices include mustard seeds, coriander seeds, and peppercorns.
  • Bring to a gentle boil, stirring to dissolve sugar completely. Allow to cool slightly.
  • Place prepared onions into sterilized jars, packing tightly with enough room for the brine.
  • Pour cooled brine over onions, ensuring they are fully submerged.
  • Seal jars and store in a cool, dark place for at least two weeks for flavors to meld.
Keyword pickled onion recipe

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